What's new in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.1 The new life cycle of RHEL products covers several levels, including Fedora as a bridgehead for the implementation of new features, CentOS Stream to access packages formed for the upcoming RHEL Intermediate Release (RHEL Rolling Release), a Minimalist Universal Base Image (UBI, Universal Base Image)) for running applications in isolated containers, and RHEL Developer Subscription for free use of RHEL on the development process. Accurate information on when a new version will be released allows you to synchronize development schedules for various projects, prepare in advance for a new release, and schedule the time for applying updates. Red Hat has announced the release of the new version of your Linux distribution, « Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.1«, This being the first version prepared according to a new predictable development cycle, which implies the formation of versions every six months at a predetermined time.