And for those who don't know, Savio, said hope makes a really cute delivery robot for hotels and hospitals. People may know a little bit from my career, where I'm coming from, I used to be the head of software at Savioke. And now here's my conversation with Christian. Thank you to our founding sponsor, Open Robotics. It was also interesting to hear his thoughts on growing a robotics app marketplace, which may be in Transitive's future. And in my opinion, Transitive Robotics is building a tool that is very needed by the robotics community. His perspective in forming Transitive Robotics seems to have been very pragmatic. See what a robots camera sees, or to tele operate a robot? Transitive Robotics does this while solving the hard networking problem of robots potentially coming into and out of connectivity. Some reasons you might want to do this are to remotely monitor the health of robot fleets. Transitive Robotics makes software for building full stack robotics applications, meaning that it aims to make connecting your robot to a user interface easier.

This is a conversation with Christian Fritz, who is the CEO and founder of Transitive Robotics.